
Billboard Lighting

Hokuriku Shinkansen Hakusan General Rolling Stock Yard, Tsuruga Branch; Station Name SignageTsuruga City / Echizen City / Fukui City / Awara City, Fukui Prefecture

LED delivers lighting for security and comfort at the rolling stock yard of the extended Hokuriku Shinkansen line

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  • LED
  • LEDioc HIGH-BAY Γ 120W luminaires have been installed on the high ceilings of the storage depot, providing the bright, uniform light without dark spots which is required for inspection and repair works.

  • The maintenance train inspection warehouse is illuminated under the light of LEDioc HIGH-BAY Γ 120W luminaires mounted on its high ceiling, providing a bright and comfortable working environment.

  • Nighttime view of the vehicle depot, where high efficiency, high output and long life LEDioc FLOOD SPOLART floodlights illuminate the tracks and provide increased security by night.

  • LEDioc FLOOD SPOLART floodlights mounted on overhead power lines illuminate the rail tracks.

  • The interior roads of the vehicle depot site are illuminated by LEDioc ROAD S street luminaires, which maintain ample illuminance and brightness levels whilst managing to suppress glare.

  • Compact and lightweight LEDioc ROAD S street luminaires in situ.

  • Design Concept: "A station of luxury, springing forth into the lands of Awara". The name signage of Awaraonsen station is illuminated by the uniform light of LEDioc CUTLASS type-L signboard luminaires.

  • Design Concept: "From ancient times to the future - A station where the perpetuity of history and nature can be witnessed". The name signage of Fukui station is illuminated by LEDioc CUTLASS type-L luminaires, which have been designed to minimize the visual impact of reflections from the light source.

  • Design Concept: "A station to illustrate the nature, history and culture of Kaga". Nighttime view of Kagaonsen station, where the signage is illuminated by LEDioc FLOOD BLITZ 190W type floodlights.

  • LEDioc FLOOD BLITZ 190W type floodlights in situ.

  • Design Concept: "A station to symbolize the link between legend and culture, to the future". The LEDioc CUTLASS type-L luminaires illuminating the name signage of Echizen-Takefu station maintain a low profile thanks to their slimline design.

  • Design Concept: "Floating in the sky, surrounded by nature and overlooking the port". LEDioc CUTLASS type-L luminaires in situ at the name signage of Tsuruga Station which represents both the new end and start points of the newly extended Hokuriku Shinkansen line.


Installation date

November, 2023

Opened on March 16th 2024, the Kanazawa to Tsuruga extension of the Hokuriku Shinkansen* line covers a distance of 125km, bringing with it a new Shinhokuriku Tunnel and six new stations at Komatsu, Kagaonsen, Awaraonsen, Fukui, Echizen-Takefu, and Tsuruga. Now offering direct access to Fukui Prefecture from Tokyo with no need for changeovers, a reduction of over 30 minutes in the minimum journey time between Fukui and Tokyo to as little as 2 hours and 51 minutes has made journeys to the Hokuriku region even more convenient. It is hoped that the line extension can act as a catalyst for development and population growth along it in addition to delivering economic and tourism benefits to the Hokuriku region, and furthermore act as a driving force behind recovery and reconstruction efforts following the recent earthquake on the Noto Peninsula.

Linked to the extension works, the Hakusan General Rolling Stock Yard, Tsuruga Branch was built as a new base for the Fukui end of the line; incorporating a substation, maintenance base and other associated facilities, the large-scale vehicle depot situated around 1.5km to the south of Tsuruga Station spans a vast area of 12 hectares. The covered inspection warehouse is equipped with facilities required for everyday inspection of the carriages, and is also designed for conditions in the Hokuriku region where there is often heavy snowfall during the winter months. There is also a storage depot accommodating deadhead trains, with facilities for storing as well as for conducting scheduled inspections and repairs. Within the site premises, the lighting is provided by luminaires selected as the best suited to each location, with LEDioc HIGH-BAY Γ luminaires installed in the high-ceilinged areas such as the inspection warehouse, storage depot, and maintenance train inspection warehouse, LEDioc FLOOD SPOLART 160W type floodlights affixed to the rail electrification poles, and LEDioc ROAD S street luminaires illuminating the internal roads. Contributing towards energy savings as well as low maintenance benefits, ample light levels are maintained under the LED light which safely illuminates the vehicle depot at night.
* Shinkansen: Japanese high-speed trains (bullet train)

Illuminating the name signage of the newly created stations with light that optimizes visibility

Following the extension of the Hokuriku Shinkansen line, six new stations - Komatsu, Kagaonsen, Awaraonsen, Fukui, Echizen-Takefu, Tsuruga - have been added beyond the previous terminus at Kanazawa. Taking inspiration from local culture, history and legends, the new stations represent features of them. The station name signages are brightly illuminated by LED light as they welcome visitors; five of these sites have been illuminated by Iwasaki Electric.


  • LEDioc HIGH-BAY Γ 120W - 146

  • LEDioc FLOOD NEO class 80 - 22

  • LEDioc FLOOD BLITZ 190W type - 20

  • LEDioc FLOOD SPOLART 160W type - 8

  • LEDioc CUTLASS type-L

    1800L - 38

    600L - 5

  • LEDioc ROAD S - 93

  • LED Tunnel Luminaires - 1760