
Sports Lighting Athletics

Unoke General Park Athletics TrackKahoku City, Ishikawa Prefecture

Lighting design to prevent light pollution at an athletics track much loved by locals

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  • LED
  • Lighting both the track and field with LEDioc FLOOD AVANT class 700 floodlights which provide illuminance levels matching those of a 1500W metal halide floodlight, a high quality lighting scene with high levels of uniformity has been delivered in tandem with energy savings contributions.

  • A high quality lighting scheme has been delivered through design which was mindful of avoiding light pollution to the surrounding environment.

  • Two units each of LEDioc FLOOD SPOLART 210W / 130W type floodlights have been mounted by the spectator seating.

  • Six units of the LEDioc FLOOD AVANT class 700 floodlight have been mounted on the existing brackets.

  • Some units have been equipped with Light Spillage Prevention Louvers.

  • LEDioc FLOOD SPOLART floodlights in situ.


Installation date

October, 2023

Located in verdant surroundings in Kahoku City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Unoke General Park is a general sports park equipped with a baseball field, athletics track, children's center and children's plaza within its expansive grounds; it is also a renowned Hanami* spot popular with locals, where Yoshino cherry trees in full bloom can be enjoyed in the spring. The athletics track which was completed in 1991 features an eight lane, 400m track with natural turf infield, and is officially accredited with Level 3 status by the Japan Athletics Federation. Equipped with lighting facilities, it is a place where sports can be enjoyed there at any time, and it is widely used by many from the community.

In October 2023, the City of Kahoku carried out repair works on the lighting equipment, upgrading the scheme to LED lighting. With the track being positioned on a hilly site and neighboring open fields, a great deal of consideration was given to avoiding light spillage when selecting the luminaires to be used in the new scheme; the 700W model of the high-efficiency LEDioc FLOOD AVANT floodlight which was chosen delivers illuminance levels matching those of a 1500W metal halide floodlight, and also offers the possibility of affixing louvers to counter against light spillage. Through careful adjustment of the aiming angles of each individual luminaire, and the use of light spill preventing louvers where necessary, the resulting lighting scheme delivers a high quality nighttime light scene which greatly minimizes light spill to its surroundings.

Retaining and reusing the existing mounting brackets and concrete lighting columns with only the luminaires themselves being changed to LED, illuminance levels matching those of the existing scheme have been achieved whilst also greatly contributing towards energy savings.

*Hanami: Cherry Blossom viewing


  • LEDioc FLOOD AVANT class 700 - 49

  • Light Spillage Prevention Louver - 40


    210W type - 2

    130W type - 2