Factory Lighting
Lighting a factory with 14m-high ceilings with LEDioc HIGH-BAY α lights, promoting power savings while contributing to the creation of a safe and comfortable working environment
Add to My ListTOYO-RO INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. is a specialized manufacturer that has been involved in the manufacture and sale of industrial furnaces called continuous furnaces for more than half a century since its founding in 1967, and has also been expanding its business overseas, including in North America and various Southeast Asian countries. In Japan it has a top-level market share for mesh-belt-type continuous heat treatment furnaces, which are used mainly for the manufacture of automobile parts (screws and bearings). The head office and factory are located in Sakai City, Osaka, and in March 2018 the old factory, which was 40 years old, was demolished, and a new factory erected. The factory was rebuilt to improve safety and the work environment after considering measures to respond in the unlikely event of a disaster, and the new factory is a steel-frame, 2-storey construction with a building area of 1100m², a total floor space of 2084m², and a tremor-proof and fire-resistant structure.
LED lighting was used for the lighting equipment from the viewpoint of environmental conservation and the promotion of power savings, with 320W LEDioc HIGH-BAY α lights being selected. The height of the ceiling on the factory's first floor has been made about 3m higher than it was in the old factory, to about 14m, and this was done with the objective of carrying out the work of lifting and moving parts by crane more safely, and because of this the brightness is 500ℓx, which is higher than the set brightness for normal factory lighting, in order to ensure sufficient brightness. It has contributed to an improved work environment by uniformly illuminating the factory interior, which is where welding and fine assembly work for electric parts takes place. The second floor of the factory is used as a warehouse, and the LEDioc LED EYE LAMP SP LED lighting fixtures that were used in the old factory were installed in some locations. With its high ceiling the factory has a sense of openness, and the metal insulation material in the outside walls delivers an excellent thermal insulation effect that makes for a comfortable work environment even in summer.
Furthermore, in the evening, three LEDioc FLOOD FULL-COLOR full-color LED floodlights illuminate the sign bearing the company name on the east side of the factory. The color for the illumination was carefully selected to give the impression of the flames of a continuous furnace. This light can be seen in the distance from the Hanwa Expressway, so it is thought to serve a corporate PR role, as well as that of providing a warm welcome to company salesmen returning to the company in the evening after their day's work.
LEDioc HIGH-BAY α 320W - 24
DMX Controller - 1
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