
Road Lighting Roads

Gassan Dam IlluminationsTsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture

Kaleidoscopic lighting arrangements to color the nights of the full moon

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  • LED
  • The standard lighting arrangement sees the main body of the dam illuminated by a combination of LEDioc FLOOD DUELL floodlights, and LEDioc FLOOD FULL-COLOR floodlights set to white output, ensuring optimal light levels for operation and maintenance.

  • A kaleidoscopic array of colors are used as part of "Startup" lighting arrangement.

  • "Overflow" lighting arrangement takes inspiration from the discharge from the crest gate.

  • "Dawn" lighting arrangement takes inspiration from the colors of sunrise and sunset.

  • "Beautiful autumn" lighting arrangement takes inspiration from the changing leaf colors associated with the season.

  • The color scheme of "moon light path, winter" arrangement evokes the imagery of crisp skies and the beauty of the full moon reflected in the water.

  • The cherry blossom hue and light green of "sprouting, spring" lighting arrangement evokes a sense of springtime.

  • "Rays of light, summer" lighting arrangement takes inspiration from the vivid beams of sunlight often seen during the season.

  • LEDioc FLOOD FULL-COLOR 240W type floodlights in situ.

  • The main body of the dam is illuminated by LEDioc FLOOD DUELL 800W type floodlights.

  • ITACS-LC lighting management system allows for easy control of lighting patterns and arrangements.

  • LEDioc ROAD luminaires provide the lighting for the observation area from where the majestic scenery of the area can be enjoyed.

  • The roads around the Gassan Dam are illuminated by LEDioc ROAD luminaires, delivering ample light levels whilst minimizing light pollution.


Installation date

September, 2024

Constructed on the Bonji River - a tributary of the Akagawa River which flows through the Shonai Plains of Yamagata Prefecture - the multipurpose Gassan Dam serves as a facility both for flood prevention and for water management. The site of the dam at Mount Gassan is surrounded by nature and is listed amongst the 100 most famous mountains in Japan; also featuring in a list of 100 mountains in Japan famed for their flora, it is often bustling with the large number of climbers every year. With many visitors also coming to Gassan Dam, the venue is expanding its offering through events such as guided tours around the facility, and also a lighting display of the dam itself to coincide with the full moon and other notable events.

In 2024 the Tohoku Regional Development Bureau Gassan Dam Management Office conducted a program of LED lighting upgrade works around the dam area, updating not only the lighting installation of the dam itself, but across surrounding locations including parking facilities, management roads, tunnels and observation points. For the illuminations of the dam itself, LEDioc FLOOD DUELL floodlights provide the standard white light scheme for operation and maintenance, with LEDioc FLOOD FULL-COLOR floodlights coming into action when producing colored lighting displays. The entire scheme is integrated through a DMX operating system, making possible a varied and dynamic lighting scheme where colors, brightness and switching can all be controlled. This new scheme has enabled a series of lighting arrangements designed to complement the changes of the surrounding natural environment and scenery throughout the season and year, with additional arrangements designed to mark various occasions and events.

Furthermore the carefully considered selection of luminaires suited to the varying requirements of different areas and zones, such as LEDioc ROAD around the parking facilities and management roads, has helped to deliver both energy savings and safe, bright lighting.



    240W type - 9

    120W type - 6

  • LEDioc FLOOD DUELL 800W type - 8

  • Lighting Control System ITACS-LC - 1

  • LEDioc ROAD - 22

  • LEDioc TUNNEL KAE Series - 5

  • Recessed Lighting Fixture for Dam Crest - 40

  • LED Tube LDL40 - 40