
Urbanscape Lighting Feature Lighting

Illumination of Oguni Attractions (Nabegataki Falls / Shimonjo Falls / Nabekama Falls / Large Ginkgo Tree of Shimojo)Oguni Town, Aso District, Kumamoto Prefecture

Attractions linked through light displays combine to showcase the charm of the town to great effect

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  • LED
  • Springtime lighting arrangement of Nabegataki Falls.

  • Enchanting illumination of Nabegataki Falls with LEDioc FLOOD FULL-COLOR floodlights which are able to seamlessly move across a broad spectrum of colors. (summer arrangement)

  • The light display at Nabegataki Falls, where the green view and sound of water create a soothing and picturesque setting. (Picture: Color pattern changing from summer to fall)

  • Color changing LEDioc FLOOD FULL-COLOR floodlights provide the illuminations for Nabegataki Falls.

  • LEDioc RECT units are installed alongside the steps leading up to Nabegataki Falls to provide safety.

  • Installed along the promenades near the falls, LEDioc RECT is a resin loaded LED unit which offers high levels of water resistance.

  • With a drop of around 40m, the striking waterfall of Shimonjo is lit up in blue to create a captivating setting.

  • The Shimonjo Falls are illuminated by a combination of neutral white and blue light versions of LEDioc FLOOD SPOLART.

  • Illuminations of Nabekama Falls, where the scenery created by the abundant water of the area can be enjoyed.

  • Bearing over 1000 years of history, the impressive form of the large Ginkgo tree which has been designated as a nationally protected natural monument is showcased by light. The blue LED floodlight is illuminating the Shimonjo Falls opposite.

  • Incandescent color type LEDioc FLOOD NEO class70 LED floodlights illuminate the large Ginkgo tree.

  • Using a combination of LEDioc FLOOD NEO and LEDioc FLOOD BLITZ floodlights, the color hue and tone has been tailored to provide an appropriate level of light for the illuminations which bring a sense of magic to the Nabekama Falls.


Installation date

March, 2021

Situated upstream of the Chikugo River System, the town of Oguni in northern Kyushu is known as a significant transport junction where the provinces of Higo (Kumamoto Prefecture), Bungo (Oita Prefecture) and Chikugo (Fukuoka Prefecture) all intersect, making it a region that has been enriched by the exchange of cultural and economic benefits from the three provinces throughout its history. Taking into account the significant impact of the Coronavirus pandemic experienced by the town's travel and hospitality industries, the town of Oguni is seeking new approaches towards development as a tourist destination whilst remaining cognizant of the era of "new normal", through measures such as the construction of new tourist attractions, the implementation of social distancing, and working in collaboration with local residents. In preparation for a swift reinvigoration of the town's economy once the impact of the spread of Coronavirus starts to ease, illuminations of the town's tourist attractions have been introduced as one way to maximize local resources, creating synergy across the area's interconnected attractions and illustrating the charm of the town to visitors.

Nabegataki Falls

Measuring 10m in height and 20m in breadth, a feature of the Nabegataki Falls is the large space where visitors are able to walk behind the waterfall and enjoy the view of it. Having until recently been illuminated during limited periods thanks to the local community, the new installation of color changing LEDioc FLOOD FULL-COLOR floodlights which can transition effortlessly across a kaleidoscopic array of colors has made possible a varied range of multicolored light displays, in addition to bringing advances in energy savings. Flowing smoothly from white light through to an aurora effect; from seasonally themed colors for spring, summer, fall and winter, through to a rainbow of colors, a light display routine of approximately 30 minutes has been programmed to provide a memorable and high-impact nightscape.

Shimonjo Falls

With a drop of approximately 40m, Shimonjo is a striking waterfall that roars down a sheer precipice, and this impressive spectacle can be looked into from directly above thanks to the promenade established along the areas around the falls. The light display of the Shimonjo Falls has been created through a combination of the LED floodlight LEDioc FLOOD SPOLART in neutral white and blue color versions; the narrow beam version of the floodlights have been selected with sensitivity towards avoiding light spillage into surrounding areas, and the result is a shimmering vision where water and light harmonize within the richness of nature.

Nabekama Falls

Situated upstream of Shimonjo Falls, it is said that the name of Nabekama Falls originates from its resemblance to water being poured into pots and pans. What the falls lack in vertical drop, they more than make up for with the beauty of the water falling over a wide span, and there is a promenade built nearby from where this view can be enjoyed. A combination of the LED floodlights LEDioc FLOOD NEO and LEDioc FLOOD BLITZ was employed for the illuminations at Nabekama Falls, using blue light at appropriately moderated levels of brightness to produce a scene that offers depth and richness in a similar vein to the display at Shimonjo Falls.

Large Ginkgo Tree of Shimojo

Estimated to be around 1000 years of age, the large Ginkgo tree located close to Shimonjo Falls is the largest in the prefecture, and is also designated as a protected natural monument at national level. Where previously the tree had been lit up by incandescent lightbulbs during the changing of the leaves in fall, the recent upgrade works saw the lighting updated with LEDioc FLOOD NEO floodlights which replaced the existing arrangement and provide a golden light to showcase the enchantment of the Ginkgo tree to great effect, whilst also contributing towards energy savings. Sensitive to the protected status of the tree, the fixtures for display lighting are not permanent installations and the regular lighting is provided only through indirect lighting. When illuminated at night and viewed from the National Highway the tree also serves as a prominent visual marker; together with the illuminations of Shimonjo Falls and Nabekama Falls, it invites us to into a fantastical realm which differs from its daytime appearance.

On-site testing of the lighting schemes was conducted during the summer, with factors such as the shade and coordination of the blue light and their impact on the surrounding environment being carefully scrutinized; this was subsequently followed by trial and familiarization tours which were conducted around the sights in the fall. Selected as a 'City for the Future' under the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) scheme in June 2018, Oguni Town strives to continue promoting energy savings in the spirit of the "SDGs Goal 7, Affordable and clean energy", as it works towards a new type of tourism based development. Admission to the Nabegataki Falls site is currently based on an advance reservation system which limits visitor numbers and manages the flow of people. Going forward, consideration will continue to be given to local residents with respect to issues such as easing of traffic congestion whilst seeking to establish a safe and secure system where people feel comfortable in visiting worry-free even during the Coronavirus period, and continue to share the charm of Oguni Town.


  • Nabegataki Falls

    LEDioc FLOOD FULL-COLOR / 160W - 3

    LEDioc FLOOD SPOLART / 130W - 3

  • Shimonjo Falls


    130W - 3

    130W (blue) - 4

  • Nabekama Falls


    class70 - 2

    class150 - 2

    LEDioc FLOOD BLITZ / 60W - 1

  • Large Ginkgo Tree

    LEDioc FLOOD NEO class70 - 8

  • Promenades

    LEDioc RECT / Incandescent Color - 36