
High-bay Lighting Factory Lighting

Sanetsu Industry Co., Ltd. Ibaraki FactoryKasama City, Ibaraki Prefecture

Realizing large-scale reductions in power consumption and a comfortable lighting environment through a change to LED lighting for factory, office, and outdoor lighting

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  • LED
  • The new factory is lit with 180W LEDioc HIGH-BAY Λ lights, creating a comfortable lighting environment that suppresses glare and uneven brightness.

  • The installed 180W LEDioc HIGH-BAY Λ high-ceiling lighting fixtures, which are high performance / high-output and feature a long operating life of 60000 hours.

  • A night-time view of the new factory. The lights that light around the entrance are incandescent LEDioc FLOOD NEO.

  • The spaces inside the new factory where product assembly, inspections and detailed work take place are lit with LEDioc LED baselights to ensure sufficient illumination.

  • The lighting for the offices inside the existing factories has also been upgraded to LEDioc LED baselights, achieving power savings and making for a bright and refreshing lighting environment.

  • The lights that light the reception area in the existing factory are incandescent LEDioc LED downlights (Class 200).

  • The parking area at night. In addition to the LEDioc APPROACH QUALLIS type-G LED approach lights, the streetlights have also been upgraded to LEDioc LED Light Bulb S lights, as part of a change to LED involving replacement of only the lamps.

  • Gentle light from LEDioc APPROACH QUALLIS type-G lights illuminates the surrounding area, their incandescent light also constituting anti-insect measures.

  • Incandescent LEDioc APPROACH QUALLIS type-D LED approach lights have been installed in the parking area.


Installation date

March, 2017

Sanetsu Industry Co., Ltd. is a subcontracting manufacturer of plastic components for clients in a wide range of fields, including medical, lighting, and telecommunications / measurement equipment, and has established consistent technology relating to component manufacturing that covers the development and prototype stages through to mass production and assembly. In March of 2017, the company added a new factory to its Ibaraki factory premises, located in Kasama City in Ibaraki Prefecture. All lighting is LED lighting, and the lighting fixtures in the existing buildings were also upgraded to LED lighting. 180W LEDioc HIGH-BAY Λ high-ceiling lighting fixtures, which have a brightness equivalent to or greater than 400W metal halide lamps, were installed for the new factory's high ceiling, ensuring sufficient luminance for the factory interior where precision-demanding component machining work takes place. Power conservation has been aimed for in the office areas as well, with the previous fluorescent lamp fixtures being upgraded to LED baselights. Meanwhile, for the lighting fixtures for the passageways, around the entrances, and for the parking area, sensor lights that turn on when a human presence is detected have been employed, while attention has been paid also to anti-insect measures for thorough quality control, including making the LEDioc APPROACH QUALLIS LED approach lights an incandescent color. The effects of power conservation have already been felt since the upgrade to LED lighting by electricity charges being able to be kept significantly under control, and the company is proactively considering future involvement in further power-saving measures.


  • LEDioc HIGH-BAY Λ180W - 32

  • LEDioc LED Baselight

    (13400ℓm type) - 87

    (6900ℓm type) - 39

  • LEDioc LED Downlight class 200 - 43


    type-D - 5

    type-G - 2

  • LEDioc FLOOD NEO - 5

  • LEDioc LED Light Bulb S - 3